Gateway Dental w Old Harbour

JamaicaGateway Dental



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Shop 23, West Street, Old Harbour, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-461-7890
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.9379322, Longitude: -77.1142649

komentarze 5

  • Sherine Richards

    Sherine Richards


    I’ve been going there for the past 10 years and I can recommend them to any one the best there is❤️❤️

  • Britania Gray

    Britania Gray


    The service was world class I want to say a big Thank you to Mr Dean and Dr .Master for Taking great care of me...

  • Lorenzo Johnson

    Lorenzo Johnson


    Great customer service... The dental assitant was cordial and made me comfrtable so when the dentist was ready for me, I was ready... The dentist is caring and made me absolutely comfortable...

  • Nickeisha Brown

    Nickeisha Brown


    I went for my regular cleaning today. I was made comfortable in the chair and the cleaning was seamless. I would recommend everyone to use them for all your oral hygiene. Practice your oral hygiene by getting your teeth clean every six month. 😁😁 for a brighter smile

  • J Will

    J Will


    I recently had the pleasure of visiting this outstanding dental office in Old Harbour. From the moment I walked in, I was greeted warmly by the friendly reception staff, instantly putting my nerves at ease. The dental professionals at this office exhibited utmost professionalism and expertise. Dr. Gilzeane took the time to thoroughly explain every step of the procedure, ensuring I felt comfortable and well-informed throughout. Her gentle approach and attention to detail made me feel confident in her abilities, leaving me completely satisfied with the final outcome. One remarkable aspect of this dental practice was their commitment to patient care. The entire team went above and beyond to address my concerns, patiently answering all of my questions. They even followed up after the appointment to check on my progress, which made me feel truly valued as a patient. In conclusion, I would highly recommend this dental office to anyone seeking exceptional dental care. I trust this dental practice implicitly and will continue to be a loyal patient. They have earned my well-deserved five-star rating, and I am confident they will provide you with the same exceptional experience!

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