Old Harbour Dental w Old Harbour

JamaicaOld Harbour Dental



🕗 godziny otwarcia

19, East Street, Old Harbour, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-278-0347
strona internetowej: oldharbourdental.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.9393672, Longitude: -77.1109695

komentarze 5

  • sherion fearon

    sherion fearon


    Juici plaza Dental for the win. I'm one of those persons who gets a serious bout of anxiety when I visit the dentist. I even cry at the ripe . All of that melted away at Juici plaza Dental. The receptionist, Miss shanice put me at ease. She was sooooo pleasant and reassuring. Great customer service is alive and well in Jamaica!!! Dr. Brown and Miss shanice was a dream they comfort me . They both made the entire process seamless and pain free. He was so patient (very very) with me throughout the entire process . Thank you so much. My search for great dental care is over i will definitely recommend.

  • Chelsi-Ann Senior

    Chelsi-Ann Senior


    Good evening , My experience for the past 5 years was greatly Appreciated by the staff of old harbour dentist care,Overall I would highly recommend Dr Roberts and her dental practices.The office is clean and comfortable.. If your indeed of a dentist I would definitely recommend Dr Roberts at the old harbour dentist care(juici plaza)

  • Latoya Samuels

    Latoya Samuels


    I did a filling and cleaning today at Old Harbour Dental. The service I received was excellent. As well I didn't feel any pain for the entire procedure. Doctor Roberts explain the entire procedure in depth. The hygienist Patrice was very gentle with the cleaning and thorough. The assistance Shanice and Althea were extremely patient and gentle.The receptionist Lashana has excellent customer service. The waiting period wasn't long. Got through before my appointment time. On top of that the prices was affordable. I definitely recommend Old Harbour Dental to everyone. Thank you for this top notch service.

  • Shiann Kerr

    Shiann Kerr


    My experience was beautiful, the environment Is very clean and the receptionist has good customer service, she welcomed me with a beautiful smile. My hmo dental card was accepted there, Surprisingly as it isnt accepted most places so I was happy for that. I was given a chart to fill my details and in minutes I was in the dentist's chair. I was allowed company as anxiety was eating me up. Surprisingly I was treated so well my anxiety went away just by the warmth reassurance given by the staff. They are friendly and welcoming, respectful and patient. I needed about 30 minutes extra to prepare myself and they waited with a smile. I was constantly reassured that I'll be ok and let me just give them their roses, they were absolutely the best, tooth was out within minutes, no pain just a little pressure as expected. I was given gause to help with after care, and was given advise as to how to care for the area. I never knew old harbour had a dental office with such professionalism. Strongly recommend as they care about the patients and not just thier money. It's a 5 star rating for me! :)

  • Shernette Williams

    Shernette Williams


    This office is family oriented and thus, I will definitely become a regular client. The customer service offered is exceptional. It was my first visit and I was left in awe. Big up to my high caliber Dental Hygienist Patrice Wilson.

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