Faith Dental Care Ltd w Portmore

JamaicaFaith Dental Care Ltd



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2, Municipal Boulevard, Portmore, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-498-0825
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.9612377, Longitude: -76.9011858

komentarze 5

  • Monique Trought

    Monique Trought


    My experiences has always been great, Dr Bailey and her team are highly trained professionals , I’ve always had a phobia for dentist , but these team of ladies has changed my perception, Dr Davis has became my favorite dentist, lol I never thought I’d say tht, the level of care and how open and gentle she is won me over,I feel safe with the team, I feel safe in the chair. faith dental care you’re guaranteed to get quality services

  • Shari-B



    Courteous, patient and warm staff. I was extremely afraid to visit but it was worth it. Both Doctors and assistant were truely amazing during my consultation. They coached me along and helped eased my fears. I didn't need the support from hubby as Samantha was wonderful. Doctors Davis & Burnett,..... magnificent ladies. Ms. Jackson just pleasant and nice suh. Bless you all, keep it up.

  • Demoy Wallace

    Demoy Wallace


    Overall, our visit to Faith Dental Care was exceptional. The staff's helpfulness, combined with the painless and gentle cleaning, made for a pleasant experience. Dr. Davis's professionalism and dedication to patient care further solidified our trust in the practice. We will definitely be returning for our future dental needs.

  • chevaunie



    The staff's kindness and care were exceptional. Despite my fear of teeth removal they made me feel safe and relaxed throughout the process. Their clear communication and genuine concern made the experience truly memorable.

  • Monique McCarthy

    Monique McCarthy


    Words can't express the kindness these Ladies displayed. For someone that is scared of needles the whole night yard, I felt safe, relaxed and comfortable. The entire process I'm brief with what to expect, truly a pleasure to experience such kindness and care at a health facility. Thank you to Doctor Davis, Ms Samantha and Ms Jackson.

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