Innovative Dental Care Portmore w Portmore

JamaicaInnovative Dental Care Portmore



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Pathfinder Plaza, Portmore, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-613-6362
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.9490805, Longitude: -76.9133332

komentarze 5

  • Nakita Miller

    Nakita Miller


    I just did my extraction that i was so nervous to do..the receptionist and dentist were so nice. I felt no pain. You guys are pros. See you soon

  • Lisa Pryce

    Lisa Pryce


    I pull out my teeth a hour and a half ago. At the Innovative Dental care in Portmore. I want to say thank you for being soooo patience and for being so caring. My pass experiences with other dentist drives a fear in me. I finally find a place where people cares. So a big big thank you.

  • Yoneike Gordon

    Yoneike Gordon


    Great customer service. The dentist was attentive and gentle and the staff were friendly. I felt very relaxed while getting my teeth cleaned.

  • Selena Mitchell

    Selena Mitchell


    First time customer and I must say the customer service there is excellent...I went there to do a cleaning and a filling and let me tell you the experience wasn't bad at all.. The dentist that I saw was Dr. Olivia Burnett and she was very gentle with my cleaning and filling. I'll definitely recommend anyone to her because she took her time to explain everything to you and ensure your comfortable. Definitely will be going back😊

  • Shana Rose

    Shana Rose


    Two days in a row I had to go to innovative Dental son had issues on the first day & the following day my husband got jealous lol...we had no prior appointments but they were sooo accommodating. Everyone is so nice....from the office attendant the front desk the the dentist. The dentist entertained my son's 'curious' mind for the entire time....She was so gentle and patient...He even got to squeeze # 'Brown Panther' when the discomfort started. This will be our new dental home!Thank you ladies

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