Gem Smiles Dental Care w Portmore

JamaicaGem Smiles Dental Care



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Lot 23, West Trade Way, Portmore, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-459-0880
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.9750503, Longitude: -76.8678921

komentarze 5

  • Felicia Cooper

    Felicia Cooper


    I’m usually scared of the dentist and Dc Francis was so great, she also gave me great dental advise and was very informative throughout the whole procedure. She explained what she was doing and made sure I was quite comfortable. The best hands down.

  • Roger Lim-Sang

    Roger Lim-Sang


    Gem Smiles Dental Care in Palms plaza, below Ready TV over by westrade in portmore, Dem good good good. My filling is perfect as I can't even remember which of my teeth I filled and my teeth are very clean. Big up to Ms. Powell (front desk), Dr. Smith, and her assistant, Ms. Levy. I will definitely continue to go there. God bless Gem Smiles and their team. Roger from COK Portmore branch.

  • Dale Maitland

    Dale Maitland


    Amazing staff. The procedure was smooth, professional and affordable. They explain some things about oral health that was important to me. Will now be my family dentist!!

  • Taneisha Brown

    Taneisha Brown


    I am very impressed with the service my kids received each visit, Dr Francis is one of the best Dr I have ever come across,very informative she will always tell you the best routes, and willing to work with you in whatever way possible ,am so happy that my entire family chooses her for our family doctor in dental care❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • Shara Thorpe

    Shara Thorpe


    Tis the season to share good news! I have received dental care multiple times at Gem Smiles Dental and I must say I am very pleased. The atmosphere created by the staff is welcoming and the Dentists are so nice and competent. Very patient and accommodating.

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