CitiDental & Implant Centre Portmore w Portmore

JamaicaCitiDental & Implant Centre Portmore



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Sovereign Village, Portmore, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-612-7921
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.9610096, Longitude: -76.8982462

komentarze 5

  • Michelle Daley

    Michelle Daley


    As my first experience, customer service was very good, the atmosphere nice; you get through on time. Doctor Daley and staff very pleasant. I asked questions and shockingly the politeness of these people is unbelievable.

  • Lenora Lewis

    Lenora Lewis


    All my past fears went out the door after my first visit to Citidental Portmore. They exceeded my expectations. Very thorough, professional and gentle. I don't need to go anywhere else!

  • Gemel Walters

    Gemel Walters


    They were accommodating with the appointment date and time and there wasn't a terribly long wait time once I arrived. The staff was pleasant, professional and the location was clean. It was an overall good experience.

  • Lashae Grant

    Lashae Grant


    I have a fear for dentist so you can only imagine how scared I was to do an extraction. However, the dentist and her assistant made me feel really comfortable and the procedure was completely painless and quick. Let’s not even get into the ambiance , the office had a therapeutic vibe, I felt like I was there to get a massage or something. 10/10 would highly recommend.

  • Karisha Henry-Tucker

    Karisha Henry-Tucker


    It was way more than I expected never experienced great service like this before. Never cleaned my teeth and got this feeling that my teeth was extremely cleaned. My husband is hard to pleased and he was so impressed, happy with the service thank you all. My son hates cleaning each time but he was so happy today when we visited Citi Dental for the first time, I loved how she interacted with him and made him comfortable. I love this hygienist she’s awesome and she does her job well. Definitely coming a second time trust that!.

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