Grand Hotel Excelsior Port Royal w Port Royal

JamaicaGrand Hotel Excelsior Port Royal



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Port Royal Main Road, Port Royal, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-676-6056
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.9400408, Longitude: -76.8393361

komentarze 5

  • Stacy West

    Stacy West


    Was my first time ...but I didn't like the restaurant service....I would contribute it to being Mother's Day ....the Hotel Staff was awesome, housekeeping was awesome. I am definitely going back

  • Dan G

    Dan G


    Brief and Disappointing: My brief encounter with Grand Hotel Excelsior Port Royal was nothing short of disappointing. Within 20 minutes of arrival, it became evident that this hotel did not meet even the most basic standards of comfort and hospitality. The furnishings appeared worn and outdated, and the overall cleanliness left much to be desired "Want to be clear the bathroom was horrendous, not to mention the interesting creature I saw in the bathroom". It was clear that the room had not been properly maintained, with visible signs of neglect in both the living area and bathroom. Given the unsatisfactory conditions, I made the decision to leave Grand Hotel Excelsior Port Royal after only 20 minutes. It was abundantly clear that this hotel did not value the comfort or satisfaction of its guests. I would strongly advise against choosing Grand Excelsior Port Royal for any length of stay, as it fails to deliver even the most basic standards of hospitality Such a shame because there's potential there, they have a decent view of the ocean and the location seems quite. Beware they have a ridiculous cancelation/no refund policy even after a mere few minute's of being there.

  • Sandra Paradise

    Sandra Paradise


    This place is horrible, the overall bathroom facilities were unkept.The walls of the bathroom had mold and the roof had brown water marks indicating leaky roof. A very large black insect uncertain of what it’s called. I spent exactly twenty minutes (20) inside this room and could not stop coughing. I immediately went to the front desk, cancelled my stay, called for Uber services and left. I must say i was almost eaten alive by mosquitoes while i was there. Based on my recent experience, i would not recommend this place.

  • Phyllis Harvey

    Phyllis Harvey


    Beautiful spot on the water. The views from the seaside bar and restaurant is simply amazing. The stunning shapes of the surrounding hills and the lights reflecting upon the Caribbean Sea is spectacular.

  • fred berendsen

    fred berendsen


    Highly overrated and much to expensive room! Door to the terras close to the pool was locked and could not be opened. No chairs at all at he terrace (but you could not get there anyway) Dirty swimming pool. Even a few glasses of cups where not in the room so was a fridge missing (after request was brought in later).

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