Morgan's Harbour Hotel w Port Royal

JamaicaMorgan's Harbour Hotel


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

Port Royal, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-967-8494
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 17.9399143, Longitude: -76.8395751

komentarze 5

  • Kwasi Charles

    Kwasi Charles


    Nicely tucked away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Cool and quiet environment for relaxation, perched on the sea side of Port Royal. Enjoyable boat cruises that tours the harbor.

  • en

    Faith Gordon


    The place is alittle old and run down but the food is still good #pasta #burger. Also a great hang out spot for drinks with friends.

  • Dale Samuels

    Dale Samuels


    Be sure to ask for a room in the newer block, as older rooms are not as nice. The room we had didn''t have a good view of kgn harbour. But you have a great view of the city at night from the outdoor deck. Breakfast is good, and the staff is courteous. Mosquitoes aplenty so pack bug spray or mosquito candles

  • krystle kerr

    krystle kerr


    Lovely boutique hotel. Mosquitoes on the outside this time of year. Buffett breakfast included which is a mix of Jamaican and Continental. The is on the pricier side but delicious. Great staff. Rooms to the right upon entrance are recently refurbished and better than the others. Great stay over all

  • James Middleton

    James Middleton


    First of all this isn’t a all inclusive resort. This is a true Jamaica hotel with the best views on the island. It had great hot water. Has clean pools and rooms. Party boat docks there. Can go diving from the docks or fishing. The staff truly care about doing their job. And it is safe.

najbliższy Kwatera

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