HappiMart Ltd w Linstead

JamaicaHappiMart Ltd



🕗 godziny otwarcia

112, King Street, Linstead, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-727-8553
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.1442279, Longitude: -77.0334704

komentarze 5

  • Petrona Keane

    Petrona Keane


    Very good customer service. The staff was very inviting and helpful.

  • Hoa Millingen

    Hoa Millingen


    Supermarket that meets most of your household needs. The staff is courteous & polite.

  • tina Mckain

    tina Mckain


    Full of tax dont like it ,my items came to 1520 and they charge me 1750 😂 yea hate it there

  • Shantell Jackson

    Shantell Jackson


    Very convenient upscale version supermarket compared to the average supermarkets in the linstead area. There's only one local supermarket that's similar but still has limited items that would normally be available at Happi Mart. There's quite a few range of fresh meat products to choose from including freshly cut beef and pork parts and many different shrimp choices for shrimp lovers. They have a very wide variety of other frozen meats, fruits, vegetables and so forth. Parking can be sticky depending on the time of the year as the couplex had limited space to provide different customers with. The issue I do have is that you can't expect to see the same cits of meats each week. 2 years ago I was able to get pork chops or ribs now and I haven't seen any since then. Same for certain fresh produces and other products it's not very constant but there's alwsys something to choose from. I'm overall very pleased with the options to choose from but you must be prepared to spend an excessive amounts on purchases. The only thing that annoys me is signing out on my receipt but it has its uses incase a return may be required I guess. Staff is friendly and helpful. In terms of convenience we can make mention of the fact they are the only supermarket in the area that doesn't close by 1pm on a Sunday they close at 4pm incase you need to run and grab stuff. It's convenient for people who have their own drive as well. Just a but pricey

  • Natalie Stephens

    Natalie Stephens


    Great location. This supermarket needs more stock. For the past year its not stocked out tye way a supermarket should. I hope the owner will take into consideration once he's fully stocked with all the necessary items/products, he will have traffic coming through like crazy!!!!!!+

najbliższy Supermarket

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