Henry & Juliet Wholesale Meat and Retail w Spanish Town

JamaicaHenry & Juliet Wholesale Meat and Retail



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Old Harbour Road, Spanish Town, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-649-2138
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.9906246, Longitude: -76.9774856

komentarze 5

  • Patricia Johnson

    Patricia Johnson


    My personal experience with this establishment is awesome. Clean, friendly and caring environment. The food is mouthwatering to the taste buds. You can do your grocery shopping, order your meat and accomplish all your shopping at the same time.

  • Rayland Brown

    Rayland Brown


    Is like a mini supermarket with all that you need at reasonable prices

  • Kerrie-ann Atkinson

    Kerrie-ann Atkinson


    First-class service. The staff is always happy to serve their customers. Great customer service

  • Shernette



    Clean and covid compliant. The staff is helping and the management fair. You can order ahead and the friendly staff assist you to your vehicle. You are able to purchase market produce and grocery.

  • David Mitchell

    David Mitchell


    If I didn't know the cost of things she would have robbed me $290.... and even when I told her she was wrong she rechecked and short me $110 same way.... I had to itemize the stuff so she saw n then blame it on the computer... what you put in is what you get out.

najbliższy Supermarket

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