Hope Botanical Gardens w Kingston

JamaicaHope Botanical Gardens



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Old Hope Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-927-1257
strona internetowej: hopezookingston.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0163404, Longitude: -76.7474758

komentarze 5

  • Roxroy Williams

    Roxroy Williams


    hope gardens is a very beautiful place to visit, there are countless flowers of all kinds, trees, exotic birds and picnic area. there is also a hope zoo if you decide to see the animals and more. this is also a very nice spot to visit on hope rd

  • bharat batasari

    bharat batasari


    I always wonder how such a peaceful and quiet place is located in Kingston which is otherwise noisy and crowded. One of the best places in Kingston to spend a lovely and peaceful evening. The gardens are well maintained and manicured. The place is beautiful and very relaxing. One can spend at least 5-8 hours at the gardens and can return the next day without feeling bored. It also has many spots for family picnics. The entry is free too!!

  • en

    Kamla Williams


    It's a lovely place. The garden is nice,i like how they have tried to capture and maintain a natural, environment. Some parts of the garden needs a bit of tending to, planting of more flowers and weeding. People were able to play and have fun, and have picnics too which created a nice fun, social, family like environment. The fishes were awesome in their almost natural environment. Overall it was a good visit. I look forward to the enhancements to come.

  • Shanquie Robinson

    Shanquie Robinson


    Hope Gardens is very scenic and the home to our most delicate flora and fauna. The natural garden is good for runs, events, picnics and other quiet, calm and relaxing adventures. The space is really big as such you'll have your own little private area. It is well kept, bathrooms are available and a little snack area can be located on the premises to enter the zoo section. We had an awesome time and we do hope you and yours will enjoy the serenity as well!

  • Tommy Gooden

    Tommy Gooden


    A nice place to come and just relax on the grass. If you're coming here to see a wonderful display or Flora and fauna you stand a better chance somewhere else to be honest. I'm you're coming here to relax, take some fresh air, think, pray or get some work done then this is indeed the place! If not and you're coming for some mind blowing beauty then honestly in my opinion it's really not the place for that. It's better you take a hike up the blue mountains or visit the home of a native plant lover.

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