Hospiten Montego Bay w St. James Parish

JamaicaHospiten Montego Bay



🕗 godziny otwarcia

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Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
Wtorekotwarte 24 godziny
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Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
Lot/Apt2. Spring Estate - 2520 Half Moon Montego Bay, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-618-4455
strona internetowej: hospiten.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.5211938, Longitude: -77.8531263

komentarze 5

  • Island Explorer

    Island Explorer


    Absolutely worst. Where do I start? Went to the cafe to grab a quick bite and the chef/ he was dark was extremely rude and dismissive. He was bothered, extremely annoyed, rude and curt when customers asked what the cafe offered. The two (2) customers ahead of me decided to just leave. They mumbled in disbelief. After, the doctor I went to see took multiple calls discussing his work schedule for trh upcoming week. During the consult, he even ordered lunch while I sat there 😳. Unprofessional staff. I would not recommend anyone to this facility.

  • Andrew Labbad

    Andrew Labbad


    Cash Grab. The hotel rents the nursing space in the hotel to them. The nurses don't tell you about your options, they send all leads to the hospital. They charged us $600 for our son who had pinkeye. 5 min checkup to get prescribed drops. Many locals said it's a cash grab, other hospitals are cleaner and better and would charge 10% of that price. The nurse didn't even know how to use the weight balance, I had to show her..... $600 service.

  • Charissa Bates

    Charissa Bates


    Avoid, in fact avoid travel to Jamaica in general. This hospital will ask for money up front, then withhold a dr from seeing patient to issue a “fit to fly” for transport back to the U.S. They didn’t have a pillow for patient, they separated the patient from my father, and a dr only assessed patient after we called the US embassy. $6,000 charged up front with little care and also staff saying patient would be there for 3 weeks. We were lucky to have the US embassy help us get back to the U.S. in 24 hours.

  • Rachel Barnato-Ludbrook

    Rachel Barnato-Ludbrook


    This place is absolutely disgusting. Their attitudes and lack of care is horrendous. The most rudest people I’ve ever met in my life. Just want to hold on to people for money. My Dad was admitted with a possible stroke and the initial care was ok. But once he was in icu that’s where they want to keep him for more money. Despite him improving and them saying he would be moved to a ward, as of yesterday he was still on icu. More money!! I’ve got the British high commission involved as I feel they are holding people to ransom. You can’t speak to a Doctor unless you really kick off and as I said the staff are the rudest people I’ve ever met. My advice?AVOID this place.

  • Marcia Riley

    Marcia Riley


    Please please train your staff on how to be polite and courteous to patients and their families. I was today faced with the rudest person I have ever had the misfortune to meet! She spoke to me as if I was something that she wanted to scrap off of her shoe when I simply asked her for some information. She works on the nurses desk. She should be in a profession where compassion is NOT a requirement!

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