Radiology West w Montego Bay

JamaicaRadiology West



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Unit 5 GWest Centre Lot 6 Crane Boulevard, Bogue Estate, Montego Bay, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-619-7901
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4553997, Longitude: -77.9269485

komentarze 5

  • Laura Leber

    Laura Leber


    Nice facility. I was able to get a X-ray by walk-in. Paid 9,000 JMD for ankle and foot x-rays (without insurance). I was given the x-ray images immediately and they sent me the full results within 24 hours.

  • Jo-Dane Russell

    Jo-Dane Russell


    They are very insensitive. I needed an emergency ultrasound and even though they were not full, they refused to assist because I didn't have an appointment, and told me I'd have to wait 2-3 weeks before the next available appointment. People in certain positions should be willing to go the extra mile to help another human being in need. Healthcare being one of them.

  • Namora Vlogs

    Namora Vlogs


    Efficient services and friendly staff, not to mention timely results. Recommend if you need to do an ultrasound or x ray.

  • Paw The Great

    Paw The Great


    Spoke with telephone operator Paulette, very unprofessional, I have spoken with her on several occasions, and her performance remains the same. How is she allowed to continuously represent this company, poor customer service . She has a bad attitude and no courtesy and quite frankly hostile towards customers. When asked for her name she said she not supposed to give that out, after several calls she stated her name.

  • Shirley Peeples

    Shirley Peeples


    Nice facility. Professional and friendly staff. Great location near shops and restaurants.

najbliższy Szpital

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