Heart Smart Centre w Montego Bay

JamaicaHeart Smart Centre



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Unit 7 GWEST Centre, 6 Crane Boulevard, Fairview, Montego Bay, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-684-9989
strona internetowej: www.heartsmartcentre.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4556525, Longitude: -77.9271162

komentarze 5

  • Rachel Anderson

    Rachel Anderson


    Dr. Lewis left no stones unturned when it came to investigating the underlying cause of my complaint. Her practice in terms of technology is on par with first world systems. The staff are properly attired, extremely prompt, warm and courteous. 5/5 would recommend Heart Smart. Thumbs up!

  • Norval Bullock

    Norval Bullock


    I was completely impressed with their professionalism and customer service. The team made my visits comfortable and seamless. My expectation was exceed every visit. I highly recommend this business.

  • Wellesley Plummer

    Wellesley Plummer


    It was a good experience for me .the staff were welcoming and pleasant. The young woman that dealt with me at the front desk was very pleasant. Those who administered the test were also worm and friendly also they were patient with me ..the Doctor who came in and spoke with me did a good job in recommending that I did the echo test which I am glad I did.Blessings upon you all.

  • Doreen Rhiney

    Doreen Rhiney


    All employees that I came in contact with were very polite, I didn't have to wait a long time to be seen. I was surprised how quickly I was called to collect the result. Excellent service.

  • Rochelle Smart

    Rochelle Smart


    My experience was great. Clean environment & excellent customer service. I didn't have an appointment but I was welcomed anyway. It was my first time and from being registered to the full procedure, I was treated with the warmest affection. I didn't understand what was to be done and thanks to nurse Gabrielle Lyn who explained everything to me. Thanks to the other team members as well. I would recommend anyone to experience this warmness as well.

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