RGA Medical Centre w Montego Bay

JamaicaRGA Medical Centre



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Unit 7, Fairview Market Place 8, Montego Bay, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-823-6743
strona internetowej: www.rgamedical.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4551026, Longitude: -77.9284217

komentarze 3

  • Natecha Henry

    Natecha Henry


    Google need more stars 🌟 omg big shout out to the Dental department at Royale, as always the staff very professional friendly and informative thanks to Dr Hall 👍 exceptional service Royale dental top class 👏 👌. Come on over every one dont let me tell you ,come see and feel for yourself best in mobay.

  • shiann gray

    shiann gray


    I would recommend everyone to go here!. If you need a Doctor who really cares, who checks up, who takes time out of his busy schedule to reply to text and take your calls Doctor Cunningham is the doctor to go to.. He is thorough with his checks, he speaks to you (no rush or judgment). I recently had a baby and if it weren't for Doctor Cunningham my baby wouldn't have made it . He found out that my internal os was open 25 weeks (I was going to another doctor). He found out that my amniotic fluid was low. He doctored me to 32wks and 3days, after my amniotic fluid started to leak 31wks. I had no infection due to his care at FM. Awesome staff also. My story is so long but thanks to him and God my baby is healthy and organs fully developed. Please go to this doc, whether you have had a complicated pregnancy or everything seems normal.

  • Laughwith Sum-J

    Laughwith Sum-J


    Dr. Ricardo Cunningham is the perfect example to be a doctor with positive, friendly and encouraging attitude. That gave me strength entire my pregnancy period and felt everything is normal every time i visit the clinic. Your staff always greets us with a warm & friendly smile. Thank you for attending our phone calls every time. Finally, big thanks for recommending my private nurse, Nurse K.Bartley and the encouragement you have shown. Continuing to exceed expectations. Haughty thanks. Sumi J & Glen.

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