Hotel Mockingbird Hill w Port Antonio

JamaicaHotel Mockingbird Hill


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Port Antonio, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-619-1215
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Latitude: 18.1716691, Longitude: -76.4140405

komentarze 5

  • D Hunt

    D Hunt


    A certified green hotel - no air conditioning so expect to open the huge doors and sleep in a tropical jungle. Not good if you have sinus problems. The building is old, but generally maintained well for the tropics (our toilet leaked water and huge french doors were very hard to close due to swelling). External access to rooms so bring a raincoat. Beautiful country style open air common spaces with great views. No bar drinks since COVID, just white/red wine or local beer. Great views, very nice jungle garden pathway. The one lane access road is poorly marked, very steep and not maintained for 70 years. You will need goggle maps to find it. The food service has been taken over by a really good Italian chef - but is very expensive ($226 USD for three meals for two without drinks, more than the hotel room). No menu, it is farm/boat to table, but you can make requests and ask the prices. Best food in Jamaica. The hotel is quite remote, so expect a fairly long taxi ride to town.

  • Naseen Subratie

    Naseen Subratie


    Booked Hotel Mockingbird on a whim for my birthday. I’m so happy I did! The hotel is tucked away in the hills of Portland, and is such a relaxing getaway. Spent 2 nights with my partner and the hospitality we received was outstanding! The staff is extremely friendly and ready to assist with any concerns you may have. The restaurant, Wilke’s, was great. We enjoyed every meal that we had. Our waitress Aneice had the best customer service. We can’t wait for our next staycation at Hotel Mockingbird. We’ll definitely be back.

  • Tristram Charnley

    Tristram Charnley


    A beautiful hotel in a beautiful setting! Opening the shutters onto our balcony after a good night's sleep we awake to a glorious view of gardens, forest and sea. The hotel is very eco conscious and Angela is a warm and welcoming host. Highly recommended and excellent coffee!.

  • Ben Greaves

    Ben Greaves


    Let share a bit about this place call Mockingbird hill hotel. Let me say first of all this review has been long coming .this beautiful gem is breathtaking. The views are absolutely fantastic. I stayed there with my family. The host was inviting. She took the the time to go through everything with us .I cant fault this place the food was lovely. I see where people are saying it is expensive. You are paying for the comfort, the secludnest and tranquility. Further more, it's a ecofriendly place. Angela and the staff who work there made us feel comfortable. We were shown around in the gardens.Angela also recommended local attractions like,Frenchman cove ,Boston jerk and Roselle falls St.Thomas

  • Dana Lee

    Dana Lee


    Beautiful hotel located in a lush, tropical paradise! The rooms have gorgeous views of the 6 acre garden and at night all you are the wonderful sounds of nature around you. It’s a special type of retreat, when you’re in a place like this, for both mind and body! Wifi works well, showers are hot, and the service is great. The second floor and pools are gorgeous places to relax and take in the breath taking views the hotel offers as it is located atop a hill. On top of all of this, there’s even have an app that you can download to give you more information about the hotel and surrounding attractions. Close drive to all the major attractions (blue lagoon, Frenchmen cove, Boston bay, town) in the area which is another plus :) Paula and Angela are so friendly they make you feel right at home as soon as you arrive (thank you!). For these reasons and more, I’d be more than happy to stay here again and would recommend it highly for anyone looking for an accommodation in port Antonio!!

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