Moon San Villa at the Blue Lagoon w Port Antonio

JamaicaMoon San Villa at the Blue Lagoon



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Moon San, Villa at the Blue Lagoon, Port Antonio, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-993-7777
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.1709232, Longitude: -76.3865814

komentarze 5

  • Sophie Vallier

    Sophie Vallier


    Very friendly staff. Room very clean as well. And location is prefect right in the blue lagoon. But also 10 minutes walk to Frenchman’s cove. 5 minute drive to downtown and 5 minutes drive to boston beach. Will definitely return :))

  • M Kenzie

    M Kenzie


    My husband and I stayed here for our 1 year anniversary on June 15, 2023. We spent 2 amazing nights! The location is awesome but most memorable was how the staff catered to us! I know the building is not as moderm as others but our room was clean and we saw the ladies' effort in decorating our bed 😊. The villa feels more like a hidden gem and we felt like we were there hiding from the world. We even had an upgraded room with a balcony view of the lagoon at no cost to us. The main road is being fixed so there is a lot of dust, but we still enjoyed taking public transport to main attractions like Frenchman's cove, Winifred beach and Boston Jerk centre. This trip will always be at the top of my list. Thanks to the staff of Moon San Villa (you can only get better)! ❤️ Dex and Dee

  • R. N

    R. N


    I booked this trip weeks before going to Jamaica. I booked for three nights and only stayed one of the three nights.We arrived on August 25th in the night. The only reason why we spend one night there was that we arrived very late at 10.30PM. I immediately went to the guy which owns the property and let him know we are leaving in the morning. I also told him why, that it is filthy, smelly, dirty, the AC doesnt work, the floors are dirty, no clean towels, the linens were dirty, a refrigerator in the room thats not working. They changed the room for the night but it didnt make it any better. It was also extremely dirty. The fan in the room looks like it havent been cleaned in two decades. The paint is cracked and chipped all over. A complete run down, which the lady who works there admits its run down but the little old guy who owns the property she mentioned he doesnt want to fix it. In all my years of traveling I must admit, this is the worst. We immediately booked for another hotel in the town to spend the other two nights, which was super great. I also reached out to expedia before leaving the property since I had booked for three nights for them to process my refund, which after they called moon san villa and confirmed I was leaving, my refund was immediately issued. The only thing good about this property was the breakfast and the view, but I promise you, you would be miserable if you ever booked to stay there. Stay away!!! You're welcome.

  • Tigest E

    Tigest E


    My husband and I stayed at Moon Star San Villa for a few days and we absolutely loved it. The place is clean with breathtaking view of the ocean! The blue lagoon is located one minute from the villa. The proximity to one of the nicest beaches (Frenchman’s Cove) in Port Antonio and Boston Jerk Center was a plus! The staff is super friendly and professional! Special thanks to Nick. The women who prepared our breakfast were sweet and their dishes were delicious! Overall, great experience!

  • Jordan Senior

    Jordan Senior


    This antiquarian-style villa has a peaceful atmosphere and laid-back vibe. The breakfast was delicious and the staff were welcoming and helpful. The view of the bay is nice and is pretty relaxing with the sound of the waves, especially in the early morning. Unfortunately, the Blue Lagoon was closed when we visited, but we do plan to visit again. Thanks for the reset! However, this gem needs just a little bit of updating in the bathrooms, and Wi-Fi, other than that a great stay. Nick is a great host and can help you with anything you need.

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