Hughenden Pharmacy i Kingston

Åben kort
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111A, Molynes Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-765-5282
Latitude: 18.0281067, Longitude: -76.8228127
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Kommentar 5

  • mz queen dee

    mz queen dee


    Great and informative staff...clean n safe environs

  • Rochelle Reid

    Rochelle Reid


    They have a wide variety and decent customer service.

  • Web Developer

    Web Developer


    A regular pharmacy with your added gift products. Their prices are not the most competitive. Parking at times is limited.

  • Kyaw Zin Htun

    Kyaw Zin Htun


    Although it is within City limit, it is not near to town center. It has own perimeter fance. Security at the gate and inside farmacy. Parking area is samll. ATM in the compound. Safe.

  • Mikhail Martinez

    Mikhail Martinez


    Good service and very resourceful. The pharmacists are always polite and kind to everyone. Always willing suggest options. Only downfall is the parking lot is a bit small.

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