Intown SuperCentre Supermarket w St. Elizabeth Parish

JamaicaIntown SuperCentre Supermarket



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2, School Street, St. Elizabeth Parish, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-634-0077
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0250193, Longitude: -77.8502174

komentarze 5

  • Donna Samuels

    Donna Samuels


    Great. I got what I needed. Will be going back soon.

  • Red



    One of the main supermarkets in Black River. It's a bit pricier than going to the others, but they do carry more selections than others as well. Overall it's ok. Update: They have & are continuing to renovate the supermarket. It is rather nice. Some better deals added too.

  • Lucy Pais

    Lucy Pais


    I drive 45 minutes weekly to shop at the Black River, a large parking lot across from the supermarket. The wholesale is also next door for bulk purchase. Update Dec 2023. Fast turn over of staff, no more friendly faces, items are priced incorrectly and labeled wrong then rings up at extremely higher price at the register,watch closely. I told Mgr I'll report to the Regulators. I downgrade from my previous 5 star to 3.

  • Jacqueline D

    Jacqueline D


    This store is very well stocked. Saw some goats on a car in the parking lot . Was very funny

  • Ashanti Passainure

    Ashanti Passainure


    Most things you can find there, love what they done with the place recently, huge shopping space makes shopping more easier and convenient. They also open on a Sunday which is great.

najbliższy Supermarket

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