Irie house w Montego Bay

JamaicaIrie house



🕗 godziny otwarcia

F4G4+GF2, Montego Bay, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-406-3410
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4762562, Longitude: -77.8938453

komentarze 5

  • Quest and Consume

    Quest and Consume


    Amazing food and great service! What more could you ask for? We had the homestyle chicken with rice and peas and veggies and everything was delicious! If you're in the area, stop by and check them out!

  • Matthew Gunter

    Matthew Gunter


    Such great food an kind service. As a US Southerner, it reminds me of me favorite “meat and threes.” I had dinner there, then breakfast the next morning.

  • Dee M

    Dee M


    Def my favourite spot on the hip-strip. Anytime I want some escovitch fish with peppers and fritters, For 450 JMD, I come here. They never actually close down, but the gate does need to be shut after 11pm for safety reasons. They start making breakfast at 4:30am and if you want your traditional ackee and saltfish with boiled food on the side, you better get it before the sun comes up because it goes quick!

  • K PhiPPs

    K PhiPPs


    Of course, many of the things on the menu weren't available, but that's Jamaican tradition. The food and service were top-notch. We had curry chicken, acki and salt fish, and the mackerel and beans. It was all great, and I hope to return.

  • Soshana Passley

    Soshana Passley


    The food was highly recommended so i tried . I had fry chx with rice and peas my friend had the oxtails. Both dishes was delicious .The service wadnt too bad either. If your in montego bay near doctors cave visit irie house restaurant for good inexpensive jamaican food

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