Island Squeez Diner w Kingston

JamaicaIsland Squeez Diner



🕗 godziny otwarcia

141, Harbour Street, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-613-4080
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 17.9661354, Longitude: -76.7940568

komentarze 5

  • Celia Barclay

    Celia Barclay


    Food is generally good with quite a variety of options. The attempt at a rustic but tropical atmosphere is decently executed. A few customer service issues but those can be remedied. One of the better lunch places in downtown Kingston.

  • renee chantal

    renee chantal


    I had a mix of fried fish and stew pork. Let me say now that it's not work writing on here about.. I paid $1100 for less than a serving and although the rice and peas was piping hot, both proteins may as well have been in the fridge. Not to mention that there was sugar or something in the pork and the fish was fried bone dry... I've been there before and it was good, I don't know what happened; maybe the chef changed. The ambiance is nice though as they have a man made indoor river with fish and turtles and good dining space. I must commend them for that. Temperature: HOT! Wear summer clothes. No a/c here..

  • Sonya Hall

    Sonya Hall


    Food looks great on picture but that isn't the case when you buy it. Some days are tasty, some are not so good. It's better to order ahead or you'll end up spending forever to get through. Customer service is ridiculous also. I've called and made a complaint about oxtail lunches I ordered that were quite disappointing for the money and not once did I get an apology or offered any remedy for the issue. All I heard was "ok, we'll call you back." It has been almost 6 months- no call back.

  • Yaniek Douglas

    Yaniek Douglas


    The food is good. It is consistent but the customer service is atrocious. I usually walk to the restaurant ,even though is it far from my workplace, but today I made the decision to take advantage of their delivery service. That was a BIG MISTAKE. I called in my order from 11:50 am and received my food at 1:30 pm. To give context that is ONE HOUR AND 40 MINUTES LATER. It gets worse, as each time I called to find out about the order I was either told it would be there in 15 minutes or it was on its way. That is unacceptable. When the MANAGER came to deliver the food, he made unjustifiable and unacceptable excuses. Therefore, because of this incident I will no longer be purchasing food from this restaurant.

  • Shan C

    Shan C


    Food was delicious, however the service is incredibly poor as it seems to depend on who knows who. *Update- 5/Apr They definitely seem to be doing better with the orders. The jury is still out on the done to orders.

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