Mothers Patties w Kingston

JamaicaMothers Patties



🕗 godziny otwarcia

X6C4+XV6, Kingston, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1-876
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.9724091, Longitude: -76.7928666

komentarze 5

  • Rowe



    Their patty meal and ice cream is the best but the location is prone to violence. I remember stopping to get food here, just before closing and a gun man came. It seems he was on the run from other gun men and was trying to get something to eat quickly but it was taking a while. Lucky he just chose to leave instead, this is not the 1st instance with this location on such matters.

  • Stephen Hugh

    Stephen Hugh


    Food was good, Mother's standards. The place was kinda plain in feeling and didn't seem s if the ac was working. They seemed to have been short staffed, one 1 trainee was at the front serving which caused a small wait time.

  • Leo Rattray

    Leo Rattray


    I honestly don't think I should be the one to give any Rating Reviews about a location of Mothers Patty Company cause I'm not a fan for Mothers (RESPECTFULLY) but I have tried the patty(BEEF ONLY) and the only thing I can say is that the patty taste ok but ONLY when it's hot...oh, and Cross Road location looks ok👋🏾😊

  • Trishauna Barclay

    Trishauna Barclay


    This restaurant has seen better times. Not the cleanest when I visited but the staff was courteous and pleasant. The sweet chillk chicken, cheese patty with bacon, and the power patty are the best items on the menu to try.

  • Lesa Edwards

    Lesa Edwards


    Their sweet chilli 🌶 chicken pieces and sandwiches are the best in town, the texas burger 🍔 are to die for👌, you can get your breakfast, lunch or dinner at mother's, if your ever in Montego bay stop by the fairview branch

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