JN Bank w Top Hill

JamaicaJN Bank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Royes Plaza, Junction Junction, Top Hill, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-906-5343
strona internetowej: www.jnbank.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.9053847, Longitude: -77.6091385

komentarze 5

  • Mr Duwayne Brooks OBE

    Mr Duwayne Brooks OBE


    A colleague of mine went to this branch, arriving at 7.30am to wait in the queue. At opening, they received ticket number 8. They left the bank after 2pm having waited over 5 hours just to get statements printed. The manager at this branch is an example of poor leadership and nonexistent efficiency skills. These are international banks.

  • kayley horne

    kayley horne


    Closing time says 4 pm but would not let me in. Should sue for false advertising. Unacceptable JN Junction. I am traveling the Canada so how would I know any time changes. Just to deposit some cash

  • faith clarke

    faith clarke


    Going to the Junction branch for any issues that you need to speak to customer service, plan to be there all day. This areas definitely needs to be looked at, it's absolutely ridiculous to sit and wait 3-4 hours to talk with a customer service representatives, only to do something that will only take 10-20 minutes if that long. As a country/bank we need to start looking at how to be more time efficient, which will result in a more productive business and customer satisfaction.

  • Janice Samuels

    Janice Samuels


    My experience working with mr.tyrone graham was wonderful.very detail oriented and quite helpful

  • Andrae H

    Andrae H


    This Bank is great for quick transactions and its efficiency. With the ATM located right outside, I felt secure doing all my transactions there. My experience was great from the location being very user friendly to the world class customer service by the employees. My only issue was their exchange rates but the branch had no control over that. It was overall a great experience and will definitely be returning.

najbliższy Bank

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