JN Bank w Portmore

JamaicaJN Bank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Shop #29, Portmore Pines Plaza, Portmore, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-906-5343
strona internetowej: www.jnbank.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.9633028, Longitude: -76.8947032

komentarze 5

  • Jessica Wallace

    Jessica Wallace


    During my visit recently, I witnessed instances where customers received tickets, left the line, and later returned. Upon their return, they approached others waiting and attempted to sell their place in line by exchanging tickets. I made a formal complaint about the matter and I was pleased to receive a call the same day addressing my complaint. The representative I spoke with did a great job of understanding the situation and assured me that an investigation is underway. I appreciate JN Bank's prompt action and look forward to a resolution that ensures a fair and efficient ticketing system for all customers.

  • Summer 365 Days

    Summer 365 Days


    Been a member since a kid using the easy save so I still bank with them wish the interest rate could be better tho

  • Shauna Norris

    Shauna Norris


    Worst branch I've ever visited. Waited outside before it was opened and crowded 😐 waited from 7:30am up until 15 mins before 3pm and still did not get into the bank. The securities keep letting in their friends. The crowd became irate and they called the cops and even the cops says they're the reason the crowd is behaving like that and only 2 tellers working in the big old bank. Smh. I should mention that I got to the front of the line before 12pm and up until 15 to 3 I don't get in

  • Lavender Kelly

    Lavender Kelly


    They have a new dress code policy for customers and though I understand you need to keep the atmosphere professional I do not appreciate the thought of me having to change my attire from home to receive a service. A service should not be tied to what I wear because you job is not to police my outfits. Do not recommend a bank holding my money telling me how I can and cannot dress to come and deposit my money. Just say you don't want inner city persons in your bank and be done

  • Jodi-Ann Brown

    Jodi-Ann Brown


    1) Only 2 customer care representatives on a Monday morning...seriously?! I don't even see the sense in having a ticket because the numbers just be calling at random. 2)Standing outside portmore pines plaza in the blazing hot sun for an hour is not my idea of a fun time.

najbliższy Bank

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