JMMB Portmore Branch w Portmore

JamaicaJMMB Portmore Branch



🕗 godziny otwarcia

47-48, West Trade Way, Portmore, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-998-5662
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.9734012, Longitude: -76.8647728

komentarze 5

  • Janice H C

    Janice H C


    Extremely long wait times. It is ridiculous to wait 2hrs to see someone to get an account opened. As 1 of the workers stated more employees are needed everyday.

  • QueenB Lee

    QueenB Lee


    Always a pleasure banking they r very aware n doing a excellent job

  • Marketing Works

    Marketing Works


    I am very dissappointed with the service at the Portmore branch. I booked an appointment a day in advance on the website. I took time off from work and I called beforehand to verify what I needed. When I got to the branch for my appointment today (on time), I was told they don't do appointments at the Portmore location. I was told that it was a very long wait (hours) and I didn't even get an apology. I am beyond dissappointed. I was looking forward to joining the bank but now I will have to reconsider. Please I need someone to reach out to me asap. PS. Customer service extends beyond phone calls and WhatsApp messages. The frontline workers must deliver the same quality customer service. From: Extremely dissappointed potential customer

  • Ahkiva Williams

    Ahkiva Williams


    Visited the Portmore branch to open an account. I was greeted at the door by a security guard, then I was showed where to go to set up the account . At the counter I was greeted by a pleasant Representative who advised me the steps to get the account up and running aswell and she also guided me as it relates to filling out the form. The process was quick and simple and I was in and out long before lunch time.

  • Chevane Cooke

    Chevane Cooke


    Have to say the customer experience in the branch is always top-notch when I say effective friendly and amazing I am talking about JMMB. Simple little details like noticing that my birthday was recently and asking if I had fun made the experience of replacing a card a memorable one. Shout out to the persons at the info desk for being customer-centric.

najbliższy Bank

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