Scotiabank - Hagley Park Road Branch w Kingston

JamaicaScotiabank - Hagley Park Road Branch



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Kingston, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-923-5681
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 17.9988166, Longitude: -76.8246534

komentarze 5

  • Janice H C

    Janice H C


    Banking services are scaled down tremendously...wait time is horrendous. The few staff remaining are nice but young and to me inexperienced so every transaction is extremely long.

  • Fabian Brown

    Fabian Brown


    Has to be the WORST banking experience of my life... the staff of this bank don't care at all about providing service to the customer... I am still in the bank at the time of writing this review and it has been 3 hours and I am still unable to do something as rudimentary as opening an account... and the branch is not even that full however they have stopped calling the numbers for account opening some time now (almost 2 hours).I have opened accounts in foreign countries and had an easy time doing it and to think that the country in which I was born and am a citizen of would firstly require an arm and a leg for me to create a bank account and secondly would ignore the customers when the attend the branch to do business. Would not recommend this bank to anyone, the service is less that 1 star, appalling.

  • Fabian Gray

    Fabian Gray


    from ten years ago to present all the scotia branches I've visited to conduct business have consumed lots of time it seems as if they have scant regards for us the customers who they have made billions from. WHERE IS THE IMPROVEMENT OF SERVICE DELIVERY???!!!!! In this modern-day why should we the customer have to wait two, three or four hours in your banks to do simple things like changing cards, set online banking, standing orders or open accounts WHY WHY WHY WHY SMDH

  • Venrick Brown

    Venrick Brown


    Visited the branch twice to collect a replacement credit card that they told me to collect. Waited for an hour the first day. I left. Came the following day and I am waiting for more than two hours up until the time of this post. They will waste your time and they don't care.

  • Web Developer

    Web Developer


    One of a few Scotiabank I have been to very ample parking space for clients. The parking space here is huge and one should not have a problem with parking. The challenge I have here is the time it takes to do banking transactions. You can expect to wait especially if you go there during the day. The customer service was ok the times that I was there.

najbliższy Bank

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