Kingston Industrial Garage i Kingston

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381, Spanish Town Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-923-6479
Latitude: 18.0052954, Longitude: -76.8319127
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Kommentar 5

  • LikkleBlaX



    I went for parts. The customer service was very good, wait time wasn't excessive, parts and accessories are top of the line. I can't complain

  • deuane taylor

    deuane taylor


    Excellent customer engagement ..went to replace my car battery.

  • Vaughn Simmons

    Vaughn Simmons


    good customer service but they have little no parts for a ford fiesta

  • Philip Stone

    Philip Stone


    Gave my 1 yr old XV to KIG for servicing and to do minor body work on the fender as approved by ICWI after my wife met with another lady by accident. We were told that we would need another letter from the insurance company stating that they would pay for the accident repairs within an acceptable number of days e.g. 3. We communicated that to the insurance company. When the work was finished earlier than scheduled, KIG called and stated that the car would not be released until that letter or payment was received for the body work. I eventually verified that the work was satisfactorily completed and took that document to the office of the President of ICWI where they tried to get the Subaru dealer to release my car, even offering to extend the car rental contract in case they were unsuccessful. Eventually, after an exchange of emails and a promise to pay for the authorised body work, the vehicle was released to me the Friday afternoon. No member of KIG management thought it important enough to speak to me but instead watched the proceedings from behind the scenes and tinted glass. I never even raised my voice but was obviously upset at how I was treated. Only to find out that the vehicle has 2 more yrs under warranty and I will be forced to interact with this manner of beasts in the future. Subaru is a great brand but when poorly trained management take unilateral decisions that directly and negatively affect their clients, the taste we get is sour and leaves one very unforgiving. A colleague's husband told me that once he pays off for his Legacy, he is going back to Toyota.....not because of the Legacy (cause he loves it), but because of KIG and the unavailability of spare parts by the sole dealership. KIG is the pits. Subaru needs to do an assessment of Ford's oldest dealership in the Western Hemisphere....maybe they should stick to FORD and stop ruining a great brand.....the Volvo of Japanese cars... SUBARU. To add insult to major injury, the left window now is making an awful sound, the clock and date have not been reset and I can't figure that out without the manual which we have put up too well AND the rim that the assessor insisted KIG change has not been changed due to unavailability. It's now on back order says the body shop supervisor who is the only supervisory staff that seems to care about my predicament. NEVER AGAIN

  • Alicia Williams

    Alicia Williams


    The Ford brands are a beauty. Went to look at the Ford Ranger. Was handled fairly well by the sales rep. The road to get there is a bit tricky from 3 miles. Its a bit dangerous to turn at KIG.

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