Kool Rooms Guest House w Santa Cruz

JamaicaKool Rooms Guest House


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

Gogill Rd, Santa Cruz, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-312-8735
strona internetowej: sites.google.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0542048, Longitude: -77.7090377

komentarze 5

  • Celisha Beckford

    Celisha Beckford


    Exactly what we wanted. PEACE AND QUIET

  • Donavon Hibbert

    Donavon Hibbert


    Nice place to cool out with the family.

  • Julie-Ann Johnson

    Julie-Ann Johnson


    Other than the beautiful scenery, my experience and my kids' experience were horrible, with the owner being there. First off, you couldn't go into the living room area to hang out. The owner turned off the gas, so we couldn't use the stove. He then broke the dawn fridge and blamed the kids for doing it after being in his house for more than two days, and the kids were well aware of the fridge not being able to open. He tried to lock my kids out the house after they paid for the rooms. Our experience was horrible.

  • Caroline Baylis

    Caroline Baylis


    I really enjoyed my one night in Kool Rooms.Guewt House. Our host Vernon was so pleasant and treated us Canadians like family. My family and I have stated that if we were going through St Elizabeth and needed a place to stay again, that would be the house.

  • Haley Heaven

    Haley Heaven


    Not us coming here in the night… mind you I paid for 2 nights right. After completing my first stay . Which he claims “12pm” is check out time. Mind you the fee for 1 night is 6 thousand and we paid 12 thousand for 2 nights. Why is this room so expensive and it’s half of the other room sizes and so. This is not my first stay it’s my second as I had gotten a better room. Mind u the rooms aren’t worth it for that amount but when you can’t do better you have to stick to the options available. Everytime oh upstairs is full and you never see anyone coming from the upstairs so I asked for the 6 thousand bk for the extra night I did not spend at 3 Pm in the afternoon and the guy only gave us bk 2000 thousand talking about charging this and that by the hour. What nonsense of a place this is ! Would not recommend!

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