Shakespeare Cottage w Treasure Beach

JamaicaShakespeare Cottage


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

Frenchman District, Treasure Beach, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-333-5272
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.8854221, Longitude: -77.7666718

komentarze 5

  • Vivian Gordon

    Vivian Gordon


    It's really basic, but clean and well situated. Totally affordable. It is exactly what it is; somewhere to rest your head, have a shower and get ready for being out and about for the entire day, until you are too sleepy to stay awake. It is not about luxury. Ideal for active people who spend most of their time on the beach.

  • Val H

    Val H


    Very nice and simple accommodations, very friendly Staff always on the grounds and willing to help. Beautiful views and beach is right down the road. If your over spending a fortune at a resort this is a good change of scenery.

  • Makis Av

    Makis Av


    A very peaceful and beautiful place to stay in Jamaica during your vacations. Everything here is so nice. People are friendly and make you feel like"home away from home". I absolutely suggest it to everyone.

  • Mary Brown

    Mary Brown


    Poor water pressure no toilets flush in AM and showers don’t work in afternoon. Lots of mold under sinks. Owner found listening and standing outside window at dusk several times. Positive reviews written by his guides or boyfriends. Better places to stay

  • Alizul Rosado

    Alizul Rosado


    Great value! Price is spot on for the shared restroom accommodations and perfect for the traveler who plans on spending more time outdoors than in an air conditioned room. Lovely and helpful staff. Kitchen and common area clean and convenient. Screens keep room cool but mosquito free

najbliższy Kwatera

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