Irie Rest Guest House w Treasure Beach

JamaicaIrie Rest Guest House


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

V6R9+WC7 Billy's Bay, Treasure Beach, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-965-0034
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.892285, Longitude: -77.7814428

komentarze 5

  • Angela Thomas

    Angela Thomas


    Thank you, thank you, thank you for the wonderful time in TREACHER BEACH BILLYS BAY. It was a wonderful 2 week holiday. Everything was perfect, we always love coming back. Love, blessing, IRIE from ANGELA, Ismara

  • David Murray

    David Murray


    Simple, reasonably priced accommodations with exceptionally welcoming staff. The proprietor is an accomplished fisherman.

  • Willow Paykin

    Willow Paykin


    I had an incredible stay at Irie Rest! Rooms were great, staff went above and beyond for the whole group, food was excellent. Felt safe and welcome as soon as we arrived, and the staff made sure we had everything we needed for a perfect vacation the whole time we were there. The guest-house itself is in a quiet area for a relaxing beach vacation. Can't wait to stay here again on my next Jamaica trip. 10/10 highly recommend!!!

  • Shaun Michael

    Shaun Michael


    5 minute walk to the beach, Lenny is a superb host and very friendly. Beautiful views and yard is bearing a lot of fruit you can help yourself too. Very clean!

  • Lisa Ruoff

    Lisa Ruoff


    Pretty basic accommodations, but with everything you need. Nice garden setting and only 50 yards to the beach. Totally safe, inside the gate and out. And the beds are super comfy! Really can't get much better for the price.

najbliższy Kwatera

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