Lashings Boutique Hotel & Villas, Treasure Beach w Treasure Beach

JamaicaLashings Boutique Hotel & Villas, Treasure Beach



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Treasure Beach, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-553-3424
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.8848219, Longitude: -77.7576785

komentarze 5

  • Karen Holdup

    Karen Holdup


    Arrived very late after flight delays, but staff stayed to welcome us and gave us a drink while the chef (who also stayed and waited) cooked us something to eat. Rooms basic but good air conditioning which was great. We are in the treetops so soon felt like we were part of the Swiss Family Robinson family, embraced it and thoroughly enjoyed it. Anything we felt we needed, hairdryer, kettle etc was soon dealt with. Being able to be driven wherever we wanted was an added beautiful bonus. Treasure Beach is a quiet and chilled location and safe, which was just what we needed. Having said that, there are plenty of things to do. YS falls is a must for a day out. For 2 people of a certain age, we dared to try and enjoyed all the zip wires and swimming behind waterfalls. Lashings put on a fabulous BBQ on the beach where all guests enjoyed good food and music. All in all a great place. Thank you.

  • Sashana Wellington

    Sashana Wellington


    Lashings is a hidden gem. It is a home away from home. I love that it’s away from the busy traffic and noise, so if you are looking somewhere quiet and peaceful, this is the place to go. I also enjoying bringing my children there because it is kids friendly(the pool and kids play area), So far we have had a great experience with the food, drinks and rooms(and believe me the price is not bad compare to other places in the area). Lashing is our go to place when we go home. Thanks Lashings for all the accommodations.

  • Cara Hernould

    Cara Hernould


    We came to Lashings on a whim and were so happy that we extended our stay - twice! Some of the rooms could use a few basic upgrades (e.g. towel hooks in the bathrooms) but overall the rooms were clean and spacious. I found it odd that the fan rooms came with a mini refrigerator, but the air conditioned rooms did not. They were both the same price, so it felt like I had to choose which amenity I preferred, but wasn't aware of the refrigerator difference until we were in the room. The hotel is a bit out of the way if you're staying up the hill, but they provide (free) transportation down to the beach club (where there are also rooms) and anywhere else you fancy in Treasure Beach which makes up for any perceived location inconvenience. The service at the front desk was outstanding and personalized. The meal portions were very generous (why I wish all rooms had refrigerators) but we learned to share a plate of food with an extra side. The happy hour was a great deal and I recommend the blender drinks. Overall, the price is reasonable with good service and decent food (we only ate local food options). I will be back and recommending it to all my friends.

  • Shay



    Stayed at this hotel over the weekend. Overall giving it 3 stars. Pros: -Front desk staff is very attentive, they have great service. The hotel facilities are nice, the pool is great and while it’s not in the beach, still in a great location. -Live entertainment in the restaurant is a nice touch. Cons: - Water pressure in the overproof room was horrendous. The shower is in the ceiling, and there was barely enough water pressure to wash the sand off your feet. Forget about your hair. -Room and property was filled with mosquitoes, the front desk staff brought coils to help with that, which did help a bit. - Bed sheets in our room (pillow cases) were a bit stained. - Restaurant is overpriced. The service at the restaurant and beach club are pretty dismal. Slow, and overall the attitudes of the staff could be improved. Overall, not a bad place, but adjust expectations accordingly.

  • donna hines

    donna hines


    Lashings is the place to be .Excellent, clean and super friendly staff and service is next to none .The authentic setting of the furniture and atmosphere is absolutely amazing. I could wake up to this everyday. Your next visit to Jamaica check out lashings... I cant wait visit to again

najbliższy Kwatera

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