Lyric Villa w Treasure Beach

JamaicaLyric Villa



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Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
Calabash Bay P A, Treasure Beach, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-469-4828
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.8783667, Longitude: -77.7614786

komentarze 5

  • susan rayburn elliott

    susan rayburn elliott


    We have loved our visits to this seaside villa and hope to enjoy the serenity of Lyric again soon. The sounds of the sea, walks on the beach, morning coffee by the pool, the delicious meals prepared by lovely Polly, I could go on and on... Lyric is truly a quintessential seaside vacation spot in Treasure Beach. We feel blessed to know and love the experience of vacationing at Lyric Villa.

  • Lisa Murphy

    Lisa Murphy


    If you are looking for paradise and a place to relax and unwind, Lyric Villa is your destination! We stayed from Friday to Saturday and we didn’t want to leave The weather was incredible, the views spectacular. Lyric has a private pool that is cleaned every morning. Steps down to the ocean, where gorgeous beach awaits Go for long walks along the ocean. Float in the ocean or have an incredible snorkelling experience We felt very safe during our stay and had excellent communication with the owners Staff, Polly and Peta Gaye were amazing cooking authentic Jamaican food daily, every meal better than the next! Falling asleep to the breeze and sounds of the ocean were a perfect way to end each day An absolutely memorable trip We can’t wait to come back to Treasure Beach 💋❤️🐠🇯🇲

  • Sal Geraci

    Sal Geraci


    What can I say, 5th trip in the last 20 years! This place is paradise! My kids that are 24 and 22 have been coming since they were young children ,they love it here. Polly and Pete Gay’s home style Jamaican food is outstanding and never disappoint. This year we brought friends that absolutely loved everything about Lyric in Treasure Beach. Long private beaches for walks, fantastic beach for swimming for all ages, and some of the best snorkelling reefs. Some of us went snorkelling every morning & afternoon. With turtle sightings, and so much more to list. Everyday was an adventure! Lyric also comes with your very own pool and the ocean, right at your feet. There a few great restaurants and a shops in walking distance. We brought pickle ball rackets with us to play on the beach. There is an outdoor sports complex with soccer fields, tennis courts and of course, a pickleball court, with in walking distance. We feel so safe here, people are so friendly and look forward to heading back Lyric Treasure Beach again. 10 Fabulous Days! Sal & Sab It’s like a home away from home!

  • Kylee Eres

    Kylee Eres


    Glorified glamping, the house has breeze way cooling and mosquito nets over the beds. Also, good luck driving to this place as the driving is extremely dangerous and the area offers nothing.

  • Bryan Bryce

    Bryan Bryce


    Perfect for couples or family. Villa and amenities are amazing along with the staff-perfect! Annabelle is the best... communication...the property...small, fine details and her sense of humor. Locals are true Jamaican hospitality and REAL. Very chill and proud community. Book it with no regrets!!!

najbliższy Kwatera

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