Kudehya Guesthouse w Treasure Beach

JamaicaKudehya Guesthouse



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Lot#20, Primary Drive (just off Old Wharf Rd Situated at end of drive (Cul de Sac, Treasure Beach, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-870-7162
strona internetowej: kudehya.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.8747855, Longitude: -77.7579904

komentarze 5

  • Naomi Patterson

    Naomi Patterson


    Loved being here. Great place. Food places are amazing, great people. Walkabout to all food places. Safe neighborhood.

  • Linda Weissman

    Linda Weissman


    Absolutely magical place! The rooms and cottages were very clean and creative spaces, I loved the style. Will definitely stay again on our next visit to Treasure Beach. It was a beautiful experience with a very friendly and accommodating host as well.

  • Stefan Reh

    Stefan Reh


    We enjoyed our time at Kudeyha Guesthouse from 23.01.23 till 31.01.23. It’s an amazing place, quiet and simple but very lovely designed, directly at the seafront. We loved the view from our terrace and heared allways the waves in our Room. The first night it was new, but then you are getting used of it and now we are missing it! Every morning Marco brought us water and coffee for the day and so we could start with a small breakfast before starting to discover the sourrounding (Treasure Beach with its nice small beaches, Jack Sprats Beachbar, Eggys Restaurant, Fishermans Restaurant but also Bob Marley Museum in Kingston and YS-Falls and the Crocodile Safari in Black Waters). The water at the beaches is very rough and swimming is only possible at some places (not comparable with Dr. Cave Beach oder 7MIle Beach). Nevertheless the beaches were nice, empty, mostly we were alone at the beach. Peggy and Marco know them and they are always very friendly and helpful. There is a perfect symbiosis with Lashings Beach Club nearby were you can go for dinner or some drinks. They have also a nice pool which we were allowed to use because we joined the delicious kitchen at Lashings during our stay at Kudeyha Guesthouse. In total it was an relaxing and nice stay at Kudeyha Guesthouse - we loved it!. Warm regards to Peggy, Marco and the dogs

  • tracey ravo

    tracey ravo


    Had the time of my life here. Was everything I expected and more. Took me 10 years to go out there and start living life again. Kudeyah is a beautiful calming hidden gem. The manager Marco was amazing and saw to our needs day or night throughout our stay. Nothing was too much trouble. He was able to advise us on the best places to eat, gave us tips on where to go for days out and was able to offer us transport. He was always there when needed and is a credit to Kudeyah. I am already planning my next stay there in the New Year. Thanks for helping me have amazing memories of my stay in Jamaica.

  • Olek P

    Olek P


    I´m kind of embarassed to write tis review almost 4 years after our stay at the kudeya guesthouse. We had a lovely experience with a great atmosphere. Our host put so much effort in his guesthouse and has built most of the facilitys with his own hands. Feeling the ocean breeze while sitting on the rooftop and just enjoying the garden and the surroudning was amazing. I hope that big boy ("the guard dog") is feeling well and is still hungry for canned sardines. much love and greetings from germany

najbliższy Kwatera

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