Lorna's Catering w Kingston

JamaicaLorna's Catering



🕗 godziny otwarcia

189, Mountain View Avenue, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-978-5865
strona internetowej: www.lornasjamaicancooking.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0086356, Longitude: -76.7714933

komentarze 5

  • Kaye Eats

    Kaye Eats


    Every time I’m home, I have to go to Lorna’s. The quality is the food has never missed once. I get the fried chicken with curry goat gravy and rice and peas. The rice and peas you can taste the coconut flavor, amazing, the curry gravy is perfect texture, not too thin and watery or thick and chunky, the fried chicken I wish I knew what seasoning they used on this because it is to die for. Perfectly spiced, with a dash of sweetness, perfectly crispy, never misses. Been going for over 10 years

  • Michael Lawrence

    Michael Lawrence


    I give it about 3 stars primarily because the food and how it's presented in the serving container can be a hit or miss. The food is genuinely good as there's always a line whenever I go. Wait time varies so sometimes it's best to order ahead on the app and they have an area to eat.

  • Nicolette Bryan

    Nicolette Bryan


    One of the better spots to get local breakfast and lunch. The breakfast portions are good but I’m not sure I like the lunch portions. Tasty food though.

  • Chel S

    Chel S


    I made two orders, one was fry chicken with rice and peas with curry gravey. The other was sweet and sour chicken with rice and peas. Both chicken was lovely, my main issue was the rice and peas; it was way too soft for my liking. In Jamaica we call it porridge rice😖 ohh the limeade was good.




    Good place to get traditional Jamaican meals, well prepared, portions are good. The location is also quite central. During the lunch hour rush there is significant delays and parking at that time is not great. Otherwise from this, I recommend. Food is tasty! Their lemonade is a must!

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