Veggie Campus w Kingston

JamaicaVeggie Campus



🕗 godziny otwarcia

82, Lady Musgrave Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-321-5298
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0175234, Longitude: -76.7808539

komentarze 5

  • Lynton Orrett

    Lynton Orrett


    I must be eating from a different place than others on here. My first time was meh and the stand out was the lime and ginger drink. So, because of its reputation I tried again. Same result. My beetroot juice was the most watered down I have had in Kingston. None of the flavours of my sandwich stood out. Sweet potato fries were hard and didn't taste or look as of they were sweet potatoes - more like yam fries.. It might be better when u eat in but I am used to well seasoned, strong tasting vegan food and I haven't yet had it from here.

  • K B

    K B


    Great lil place and would probably be very lively in the evening. Food was OK but everything is fried. Plantain burger could have been boiled then smashed and lightly fried so it doesn't sit heavy on your stomach.

  • Stewie



    I’m in the process of changing my diet and visiting from Atl Veggie Campus was the spot I ate for 4 out of 5 days of my vacation. The food was awesome well prepared and was not short on taste and flavor. The only down side there need to have a more robust menu option and not just the cashier trying to state a list, but apart from that I recommend anyone seeking clean healthy food to check out this spot. Awesome experience 🙏🏽

  • De-Ray Brooks

    De-Ray Brooks


    The place is very nice and quite. The food not only looks good but it taste as well. The food was a little cold but it taste amazing. Really appreciate the fact that I could pay with my card. Parking is located at the back of the business. As it relates to customer service I would say it is fair. The prep was pleasant and patient. I would recommend this place for amazing vegan food.

  • Cris H

    Cris H


    Love the environment, the chefs are so easy to deal with and the food, omg the food is amazing. A must have when visiting kgn,ja! Nuff love!

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