Luna Sea Inn w Bluefields

JamaicaLuna Sea Inn



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A2 Hwy Belmont, Bluefields, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-428-0400
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.1522759, Longitude: -78.0325401

komentarze 5

  • Alia Schultz

    Alia Schultz


    Amazing food and views! Always friendly faces and great energy. Linda and the staff are wonderful!

  • Trish Velez

    Trish Velez


    I absolutely loved my time spent at the Luna Sea Inn. The hotel itself had the best views I've ever seen in my life! Between the complimentary ganja and breakfast included daily, this place is well worth the cost in every way! The staff is incredible, the food AMAZING and the drinks are STROOOONG! Paddleboarding and kayaking are included as well, with a small cave system to explore right near the hotel. 9/10 this place would've gotten 10/10 if it wasn't for the power outages we experienced in our first room. Thankfully they switched us to a different room 🙌

  • Edith Montoya

    Edith Montoya


    This is a quiet, relaxing and unique place!! with a beautiful sunset and sunrise. Breathtaking ocean view. If you want to get away from it all, this is the place. Also the food, the staff, terrific!!!

  • Andy Cline

    Andy Cline


    If you're wanting to get away from it all -- I mean for real -- this is a good place to escape to. Located right on the water. There's a reasonably good restaurant. The staff is attentive. Located near... nothing. Well, the Peter Tosh memorial is a short walk away. Also lots of little seaside huts where you can get food and drink for the beach. Wonderful sunsets! But if you need excitement, look elsewhere.

  • Riley Edwards

    Riley Edwards


    The rooms are a bit old but they have all the essentials for a great stay. The location and the staff were amazing! We stayed at an all inclusive before the Luna Sea, and the treatment from staff was way better at the Luna Sea. Big shout out to Ray and Nesean at the bar, great hosts and really knowledgeable about the area and drinks!

najbliższy Kwatera

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