Waterloo Guest House w Black River

JamaicaWaterloo Guest House


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🕗 godziny otwarcia

44, High Street, Black River, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-965-2278
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0248421, Longitude: -77.8513003

komentarze 5

  • Vernal Byng Angus

    Vernal Byng Angus


    Cozy clean great food, awesome potential

  • stushie j

    stushie j


    my experience wasn't bad. it gave what it was supposed to for the time being there. there were working tv, AC room was nice and cool. bathroom spacious & clean. bed was big, there was a refrigerator in the room, however that needs to upgrade. there were school children doing work experience, jade was excellent and very helpful. i would recommend if you are not too particular on the specifics.

  • Mc Tamberg

    Mc Tamberg


    It's very close to everything in Black River. The staff is very nice and helpful. Perfect place to stay, when visiting Black River.

  • Frankie G

    Frankie G


    Best cheese pizza in the area, maybe the only one???? It’s especially good and not too expensive $20.00 US for a large pizza. I didn’t stay as a guest. I just stopped to get pizza when I seen the sign. 🍕 Update 8/2023 They have changed the pizza crust…. Not a good change. Totally different and will not tasty. Why did they change it?? please go back to the original crust…

  • Mz Suga

    Mz Suga


    This place is old and dilapidated. The staff were amazing and tended to your needs, but unfortunately, I just cannot recommend. We had 3 rooms and 2 of which were infested with ants...front desk closes early. Security is hanging out with his friends after hours...the rooms aren't consistent. Some had bedding, some didn't. Some had mats, some didn't...the TVs didn't work. The Ant infestation OMG...I cannot even describe in detail. I woke my daughter up, only to find her bed covered in ants...and there was no food in the room. There was no one to get a spray or ant powder from. The internet was choppy. Overall, I would not want to stay here more than 1 night. The location is great and so were the staff...but this place needs MAJOR upgrades. Would not recommend.

najbliższy Kwatera

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