Mayfair Hotel w Kingston

JamaicaMayfair Hotel



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4 West Kings House Close, Kingston, JM Jamaika
kontakt telefon: +1 876-926-1610
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0221979, Longitude: -76.7887417

komentarze 5

  • Chan_Gami



    I had a good time there. The food was amazing and at a reasonable price. Even though we were a large party, we were served in an acceptable amount of time. The customer service was good as well. Our servers were very polite. Overall, it was a good experience and I'd go there again

  • en

    Dwayne Nash


    Poor customer service in relation to the dining experience. The waiter and manager refused to offer an apology after false advertisment of prices on the menu- myself and a couple of my friends went out for food and drinks and it was after we received our bills that we were told that the prices had increased and while we didn't have a problem paying, the manner in which they approached us was very rude and unwelcoming.

  • Andre Stephens

    Andre Stephens


    The menu is great. Delicious local supplies. Decent drinks. Wait service is poor though.

  • en

    Ashley C


    The place needs work. Not worth the price Better off spending an extra $10 and go to one of the other decent hotels. The owners need to take the hospitality business seriously or get out of it.

  • en

    Alexandra Daley


    A couple of friends and myself went to the Mayfair Pub to just chill because it was recommended to us. The drinks were okay, very strong in alcohol content lol. They were reasonably priced and the food - we ordered finger food (was okay). The ambience is nice - not too crowded nor scanty; they have a good amount of persons dining or chilling during the evening - nighttime. Overall I give this place a 3/5. They lost stars because of the time it took to actually get the food, the customer service wasn’t all that great and the alcohol was too strong even though I asked them to tone down on it a bit.

najbliższy Kwatera

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