Mint Cafe w Junction

JamaicaMint Cafe



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Shop 10, Seljan’s Plaza, Junction, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-368-3864
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.9077885, Longitude: -77.606817

komentarze 5




    During my recent vacation in Jamaica, I visited Mint Cafe, and I must say it was a delightful! The owner, whose passion for her cafe is evident in every cup, took the time to chat with me and recommend some of their specialty drinks. Not only was the drink exceptional, but the owner's genuine hospitality made the experience truly memorable. As for the food, I was pleasantly surprised by the variety and quality of offerings. From delicious pastries to savory breakfast options, there was something to satisfy every craving. What sets Mint Cafe apart is not just the food and drinks, but the cozy atmosphere and sense of community. Whether you're a local looking for your morning pick-me-up or a traveler in search of a taste of Jamaica, this charming coffee shop is a must-visit. You won't be disappointed!

  • punkie lugg

    punkie lugg


    Mint Cafe is hands down the besttt place to chill and get food from. The ambiance is sooo nice and the food is definitely chef kiss! The customer service is excellent as well. It's a must visit place in St.E

  • Jadeann Campbell

    Jadeann Campbell


    The food here is great not to mention the drinks!!! I had the chicken wrap with wedges and Oreo milkshake, it’s was so filling I recommend everyone to eat here ❤️❤️

  • Ashane Mccarthy

    Ashane Mccarthy


    Best café in junction enjoyed my crispy chicken sandwich so good

  • Kelsie-Ann Farquharson

    Kelsie-Ann Farquharson


    Mint cafe locally known for their delectable breakfast. They are one of a kind the meals they sell. My favourite thing to get is their porridge and ice coffee 😋🤤. Thank you Mint Cafe for serving our community the best quality breakfast and dessert.

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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