Mojitos Café Loft Mandeville w Mandeville

JamaicaMojitos Café Loft Mandeville



🕗 godziny otwarcia

25 Caledonia Road, Elethe Mall, Mandeville, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-782-7288
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0469384, Longitude: -77.506836

komentarze 5

  • Avagay Whyne

    Avagay Whyne


    Staff was very rude and the food was horrible after waiting for almost two hours

  • petagay Edwards Brooks

    petagay Edwards Brooks


    At first were please but then some thing went wrong with the cost .kmt the mixlogist did a good job the bar up.

  • Dedria Williamson

    Dedria Williamson


    I had a nice experience here. The customer service is great, the food is also very tasty and affordable, the food portion is a little small but the taste makes up for that. The setting is small and intimate. My only issue was with the bathroom entrance. I'm pregnant and could not fix through the bathroom entrance 🤭🤭, so just a suggestion to the management team please consider bigger persons and pregnant ladies.

  • Shaquille Suban

    Shaquille Suban


    4 stars as there are a few sad pointers. 1. The lighting is poor when it gets dark. 2. The rest room needs a few touch up. 3. The wait time for the food was a bit long. The good facts are: 1. The music is good. 2. The ambiance is really great. 3. The food is excellent. 4. Customer service is great.

  • Novia Ferguson

    Novia Ferguson


    I am very disappointed because the time on this page and the time that it actually closes is two different things and i found out after i travelled from Santa Cruz to celebrate my sister's birthday, please I beg of you fi upgrade uno time cause eh really an truly unfair an mi bex cause mi cold an wah sleep

najbliższy Bar

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