National Self Serve Wholesale w May Pen

JamaicaNational Self Serve Wholesale



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Brooksedge Avenue, May Pen, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-986-1266
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.9647222, Longitude: -77.2408333

komentarze 5

  • Jhenelle



    The checker asked to cash her item first since she pick up only a few things, I said ok but I never knew she wasn't planning on paying for it and the cashier secretly cashed her items with mine. I found out after on my receipt. Be careful with these female cashiers and checkers, always keep u eye on the screen as I was putting things out the trally and on the counter so I didn't see it. Other than that, it's okay.

  • Angel x Bubz

    Angel x Bubz


    Very good place to shop and the prices are great




    Experience was good never have to waite long to get through

  • Sonia Henry

    Sonia Henry


    Great shopping store very crowded at times parking is tight due to many taxi's if you have a small business perfect place to get your goods to sell in your shop

  • Alexia



    My number one option when I need to shop for grocery items. I love shopping here because the prices are very reasonable. This wholesale is great for persons who buy in bulk or would like to shop for their small business. I love the fact that they have plenty cashiers who work very FAST so even if you shop at a time when there's a large crowd, you'll get through in no time. I usually like to shop on a Wednesday though, there's little to no crowd at that time. My biggest concern though are the trolleys/shopping carts 🙄 it would be great if they could be changed

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