Super Shoppers Fair w May Pen

JamaicaSuper Shoppers Fair



🕗 godziny otwarcia

21, Sevens Road, May Pen, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-618-2410
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.9681273, Longitude: -77.2387308

komentarze 5

  • Carol Live

    Carol Live


    Staff are always willing to help.. meat and produce are always fresh.. spacious and clean.. I find prices to be cheaper...keep up the good work guys

  • Kelly-Ann Coore

    Kelly-Ann Coore


    I like here never too crowdy. I love their prices. Low and your money can stretch. Good parking and opening hours are good for working class people. Very wide selection of goods and the staff always have a smile (even if them just a fake it). Update they are still the same and i still love shopping there

  • Gladstone Williams

    Gladstone Williams


    Being here on numerous occasions, more floor space taken up by more goods,Parking is good. Like most super markets prices are high, they tend to make you buy 2 or three items for value,which to my mind isn't clear enough.On leaving they may check your receipt. On occasions they may help you pack your groceries & bring them to your car...You can give them a tip

  • J Claud

    J Claud


    Clean, not too crowded, and a large variety of fresh and processed foods and beverages. Prices are better when you buy their items in bulk. Obviously imported or rare items will be more expensive.

  • Justin Skyfall

    Justin Skyfall


    Really good place to shop and it has practically everything you would need, my only complaint is the security was just on us every moment of the way i think mainly because we were dressed in plane clothes and kind of raggedy but him constantly watching us made it uncomfortable but at the end of the day its a really nice place!

najbliższy Supermarket

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