Olympia Crown Hotel w Kingston

JamaicaOlympia Crown Hotel


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53, Molynes Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-923-5269
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0161658, Longitude: -76.8085265

komentarze 5

  • Arlene Harrison-Henry

    Arlene Harrison-Henry


    Meaningful exposition. Uplifting messages of encouragement, inspiring moving relevant presentations for all ages. Worth every second of my attendance Should be repeated across the island. Relevant powerful and meaningful.

  • Jennifer Jean-Francois

    Jennifer Jean-Francois


    I had an awesome experience here at Olympia. Faith apostolic church is right next door and they have a lovely singing choir as well as a great sermon. The hotel itself is accommodating with lovely pool, welcoming guests, and there are plenty of sports to play in the field space. It is walking distance to Half Way Trees and Uber ride safe. Thank you for your consideration Mrs. Blake and the lovely staff and friends there that provided information about activities I can participate in and ital food I can enjoy. Happy National Heroes Week! #JahBless

  • Lex_xie.1



    My experience was horrible . Bad costumer service also we receive our room dirty, Sheets are dirty but well spead on bed . When told the lady at the front desk not she giving us attitude and not answering our questions. It was Very Uncomfortable . We had to crash there for only one night. They are not ready .

  • ChyneeKay



    I went to a few rooms to check them out. Some of the A/C units didn't work, some sheets weren't completely white, were stained. The one room I stayed in the fridge didn't have such a pleasant smell, the washroom tiles weren't clean, there was no phone in one of the rooms. They had mentioned the elevator hasn't worked for a while. All furniture is old. There was a room with a bed that was shredded up and old under the sheets. The Windows weren't cleaned, the service lady wouldn't let down the price due to it being do bad. Terrible customer service. In all, it wasn't exactly horrible since I did get a room that was decent. But always check the rooms anywhere you go.

  • Shamar Mckellop

    Shamar Mckellop


    The rooms without air conditioning units are not comfortable and they provide no fan in the room for you to use. And also there is a big air conditioning unit in the room and rat is running out it on the bed. It was the most disgusting experience I have ever had in my entire life . Something serious needs to be done with this so call motel /hotel and I won't stop talking about it until serious changes take place. Next thing my commendations to the front desk receptionist (the younger one) you are the best !! Keep it up girl.

najbliższy Kwatera

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