Pablo's 20/20 Restaurant and Lounge w Mandeville

JamaicaPablo's 20/20 Restaurant and Lounge



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1 Baptist Rd, Mandeville, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-850-9551
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0393287, Longitude: -77.5068809

komentarze 5

  • GC Richard

    GC Richard


    Honestly, when this restaurant started a few years ago, the food was much better. I believe the main issue is with the quality chef. The food is not at all consistent in taste. You will have to pay to get a good chef and reinvent a method to recapture lost customers and make new ones. This spot has the potential to do very well, but a few things need to change. When that happens, I will be a regular customer. There is a clothing store at the front and restaurant just below, same owner. The store isn't bad.

  • Necka Johnson

    Necka Johnson


    I paid $2500 for 3 pieces of oxtail😭 I'm only complaining because it was not very appealing to my taste buds at all🤢 but the chicken soup was ok. The environment is great but runs more like a take out vs dining.

  • Andrew Green

    Andrew Green


    I ate at this restaurant recently and the food was okay. However, the staff needs to be more uniformed. This cut-off jeans pants and sneakers don't look appropriate and professional. Secondly, I requested ice and the dude was really stingy with the ice, like really! The ambiance is nice, but the staff needs to be more professional

  • Monique Rattray

    Monique Rattray


    Best fried chicken I've tasted in a long while. The staff are well trained. The ambiance is just perfect. My mom and I sat for hours and couldnt move.* Smile* A big thumbs up guys

  • Sheeba Brown

    Sheeba Brown


    Authentic and delicious Jamaican food with the best customer service. They go above and beyond with how they present their meals, as it tastes just as good as it looks. The atmosphere is very comfortable, clean and welcoming. I would go there every time I am in the area. Stop by and taste for yourselves

najbliższy Restauracja

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