OMG Restaurant & Coffee Bar w Mandeville

JamaicaOMG Restaurant & Coffee Bar



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1, Brumalia Road, Mandeville, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-962-7251
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 18.0458281, Longitude: -77.5106303

komentarze 5

  • Rosy Rosy

    Rosy Rosy


    Poor customer service.. wasn't pleasant. Maybe she judged us by our clothing. Not quite sure. Took 50 mins to get our food which ended up not worth the cost. My chicken was stale and her persona on a whole. Very sulky persona. Didn't greet us. When she took our order,is like registering for boot camp. She smiled with everybody else who she thought maybe would tip her,bt not us and believe me,we not weak.. that much I can say. The chicken and waffles were not worth 2000JMD. And she didn't even give a heart felt apology. Never again!!...and trust me,I wished I cud give a 0 star review.. me and ma frenz were so disappointed. Ultimate here we come. Shud have never left bout we trying somewhere else.kmt.

  • Shashane Wallace

    Shashane Wallace


    Good little restaurant. Still within the town but outside of the hustle and bustle for a relaxing experience. The food is good, portion is good too. The only drawback is be prepared to wait awhile to be served. Like an hour.

  • Rochelle Hutchinson

    Rochelle Hutchinson


    Went for dinner by myself. The staff was friendly and accommodating. Best sweet and sour chicken I've had in Mandeville. Big up Top Hog!!

  • Janniel Mckenzie

    Janniel Mckenzie


    This restaurant is a nice place to stop and eat really delicious dishes. The wait time for both food and for seats is a little long and the restaurant is small and so it gets full quickly. The restaurant needs an upgrade in setting and possible expansion. Friendly and courteous staff. Overall, a clean environment. The restrooms need to be refurbished.

  • sheldon morgan

    sheldon morgan


    Staff was professional and food was quite delicious. I had a philly cheese steak and was impressed. Chef knows food and uses fresh ingredients. The pineapple on the jerk chicken was sweet and freshly sliced. Atmosphere was cozy and relaxing.

najbliższy Restauracja

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