The Arches Restaurant w Mandeville

JamaicaThe Arches Restaurant



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4, Hotel Street, Mandeville, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-962-9764
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.038715, Longitude: -77.505917

komentarze 5

  • Nilesh ARYAN Rastogi

    Nilesh ARYAN Rastogi


    Amazing place for breakfast, must try humble staff, omlet was very good

  • London Khareem

    London Khareem


    We’ve been going to Mandeville hotel bar from High School days. Friends have had their sweet sixteen parties there etc. After having a frustrating time finding a restaurant in Mandeville at 6 PM on a Wednesday, we arrived at The Arches, and the amazing server, accepted us, and stayed with us after closing time. She’s a 5 star server, and the hotel is lucky to have her. She seated us, served us with smiles, she even played the birthday song for my brother as I’d told her it was his birthday; outstanding! The food was good, well presented, and we felt cared for. I’ll send an email to the manager with your picture, lovely lady because you deserve the recognition. My sincere gratitude, thanks so much! 😊😊😊😊

  • Casmina Harrison

    Casmina Harrison


    Excellent service! The food was delicious!

  • Marc Swyer

    Marc Swyer


    Ordered the chicken didn't like the flavour. That's a subject issue. The service was satisfactory. However, the meal left me with a bad taste in my mouth. It should be noted that I have been there for workshops in the past and the meals were good. Probably they had an off day. If not they need to change the chef.

  • André “Draco” Walker

    André “Draco” Walker


    Good food with a decent atmosphere

najbliższy Restauracja

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