Percy Junor Hospital w Spalding

JamaicaPercy Junor Hospital



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
Wtorekotwarte 24 godziny
Środaotwarte 24 godziny
Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
57, Main Street, Spalding, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-964-2322
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.1548463, Longitude: -77.4646354

komentarze 5

  • Jodiann Siddo

    Jodiann Siddo


    Great service friendly staff and you get the best care 24/7

  • PAM Davy

    PAM Davy


    System very slow. They dont care .receptionist full of attitude and rude at times. Some nurses are the true and living hog, the black doctor woman whose hair needs washing and caring. When u bring a patient for review or follow-up with the doctors at splading Hospital, they dont take the patient blood pressure or anything . They grab the result and say it ok. Then walk away , mention that they have other thing to do how rude and uuprofessional that is not even they don't want to, exchange conversation with person. Some of the doctors have bad attitudes and behaviors, not speaking to patients properly, acting like they're just out of a pig pen. The level of disrespect gives to u in splading hospitals, and Mandeville is a disgrace. Why must doctors , nurses, clerks , treat people badl, Lot of chatting and walking up down . Doctors and nurse clerk receptionists stop speaking to people aggressive and rude. The system no free people have paid for it. Without people, u guys don't have no job or no money. Please stop treating people and patients so badly. Need more works in the pharmacy it a shame to wait so long until u fainting.

  • Shantay Miller

    Shantay Miller


    Spalding Percy Junior is one of the worse hospitals you can go to for assistance. The staff is horrible and they have no customer service. Mind you that I was born at this hospital.The nurses are extremely rude and disrespectful and the Doctors likewise. I went there on Sunday November 13, 2022 at approximately 6:35 P.M. Approximately 4-5 patients were in the waiting area. Myself being number three (3). The Doctor decided to look after a baby who has been crying for the past 15 minutes of course that was more than okay with me. However, after the baby got her check up and prescription I waited for 30 more minutes. Mind you that there were two doctors on duty. The Doctor came out to call a patient that came after me so I simply asked “Is it not Kelly’s time yet”?. He replied “You’re gonna beat me because I didn’t call your name”. Tell me now. What kind of health care system is this?

  • Elizabeth wilson

    Elizabeth wilson


    Why would you treat a man with a Bp of 240/130, administer iv fluids then send him home… without observation for at least 24 hours? This hospital needs to do better and take responsibilities for lives lost due to negligence. How do you sleep? Knowing you did not do all you can to save the lives in your care No attempt to resuscitate. You just watched him die. Not good enough. Not good enough. Who is responsible for the overviews of deaths in this place?

  • Sherwin Moore

    Sherwin Moore


    If i could give this hospital zero star i would,in December of 2018 i register my son at 5pm and didn't leave the hospital until 2:30am they have one Doctor working both emergency and out patients, adults and children are waiting on the same Dr for hours, and what really get to me i was literally starving at the hospital they have no cafeteria,the hospital need major renovation and staff.the nurses and Dr are very nice and professional at the end i feel bad for the Dr she was very tired from running back and forth, it was a horrible experience for us,plus my son was vomiting had a fever.In all honesty they need to do something about it, i can only imagine how many people die before he or she sees a Doctor. See i told you they are going to wait until someone die before they do something about the under staff horrible,my condolences Sodian.

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