Manya Medical Clinic w Mandeville

JamaicaManya Medical Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5 1/2, Caledonia Road, Mandeville, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-336-2183
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0419399, Longitude: -77.5103424

komentarze 5

  • Chantal Deans

    Chantal Deans


    I received exceptional care during my recent visit. I felt heard and valued as a patient, and his holistic recommendations for the treatment of my condition was appreciated. The office staff was also friendly and efficient, contributing to a positive overall experience. 10/10 recommend 👍🏾

  • Daniel Reid

    Daniel Reid


    Dr.Manya is legit the best Doctor in Mandeville. He is always on time and is easy to talk to. His professionalism is unmatched. I would really recommend anyone with any issues to stop by. The staff and nurses customer service is also unmatched. Great experience. Went in with a range of issues and came out feeling relieved. I was also recommended by family and friends which means that he is a reliable Doctor

  • Carla-Lelani Lezama

    Carla-Lelani Lezama


    This is a great clinic with fantastic staff. Dr. Manya was able to discuss my concerns and provide the best medical attention I needed. He was patient and caring. It's hard to find Doctor's like him. Thank you Manya Medical!!!

  • June Shorter

    June Shorter


    Hey everyone, I visited Dr Manya a little over a year ago when my health was very poor. Upon listening to his guidance and inspirational talks, giving me excellent diet instructions- i took his advice and exercised, changed my diet just taking care of my health. Thank God today i am well. My health is excellent! Please listen to Dr Manya. He knows what he is doing, very good at his job. Love you all! Blessings.

  • Kacey-Marie Mullings

    Kacey-Marie Mullings


    The best part of my day was visiting Manya Medical. The staff was warm and welcoming; I immediately felt at ease. Dr. Manya took time to listen and he asked questions in a way that made it easy for me to share. I left feeling so much better than when I entered. My Manya Medical experience was truly a blessing. It’s evident that they truly care about the wellbeing of their patients. 10/10 would recommend!

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