PriceSmart i Kingston

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111, Red Hills Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-969-1242
Latitude: 18.0411764, Longitude: -76.8150759
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Kommentar 5

  • henly campbell

    henly campbell


    The quality and price is good. I however had a ridiculous experience where staff at the entrance ask to see my member card to enter. If I wasn't already One, that alone would change my mind from becoming one.

  • Jackie Young

    Jackie Young


    PriceSmart during the construction is an absolute nightmare. Seriously. I can appreciate that there has to be some dislocation during their expansion and I look forward to a better shopping experience but this interim period is extremely distressing for the customer, and they're still asking for Membership card to be shown at the door. WHO I ask you, WHO, other than a slightly insane member, would try to battle that mess to get inside to shop!! No hassle at the door and an easier checkout process (cashier and door check) would make it a little more bearable, I hope someone with some influence reads this.

  • Sheena-Kay Sinclair

    Sheena-Kay Sinclair


    You require a Membership card to enter their doors or you will not be admitted (unless of course you are about to apply, and their membership counter is right by the door - so no admission otherwise). Their prices are now seemingly becoming more comparative with others whilst they used to be the go-to for bulk shopping. They however sell from a pin to an anchor (although I doubt they sell anchors 🤔), they offer grocery items, furniture, appliances, clothes, cookware, pastries, fried chicken, pizza, wines... They have their own brand called Member's Selection which is hugely discounted against the regular brand, and the taste and quality are extremely close so you will get great deals when you shop their brand. It has a wide variety, but is particular to food items. The aisles are spacious and usually well stocked, they have covered parking and over 28 cashier stations. My only drawback is that you do not accumulate points on your Membership card by shopping. Remember, you can't visit intending to purchase one tube of toothpaste or box of cereal, not unless you intend to pay for a pack of toothpaste or an XXXL pack of cornflakes or a simple pack of 3 large sized cornflakes. Just think BULK SHOPPING. You don't easily run out if things you buy there, so pool with someone if you have a small family and are purchasing perishables. Membership cards are hugely discounted when you have a secondary cardholder paying with you. Check them out, you will be glad you did!

  • Delano Mighty

    Delano Mighty


    This is one of the best places to get bulk goods in Jamaica. Note that it is based on a membership to the supermarket; however, it's worth it because of the absolutely wide variety of items you will obtain at the store. Also note that while you can get boxes to carry your goods out, you may choose to bring your own shopping bags as none is provided at the venue.

  • Shamara Forrester

    Shamara Forrester


    A good store to shop at for bulk purchases. The cashier lines at time can be long but apart from that its a very good place to shop at. Ample parking space is available. They are doing renovation at the time of this review, so parking might be a little challenging but that should be resolved soon. Customer service is excellent as well.

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