Super Shoppers Fair i Kingston

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Kingston, Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-969-3333
Latitude: 18.027962, Longitude: -76.8129539
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Kommentar 5

  • Errol Lyttle

    Errol Lyttle


    Delightful shopping experience! It was the middle of the day so there were no long lines.

  • Sandra Crawford

    Sandra Crawford


    Courteous staff, wide selection of groceries and also household and stationery items. They do have a deli which appears to be popular but for those of us not "in the kbow" like myself, I have no idea what cooked food is available because it's not displayed. I accidentally discovered that they sell fried and rotisserie chicken because the display is tucked around a corner. They also sell plants. Their orchids are gorgeous.

  • Samantha Morrison

    Samantha Morrison


    Great they had a wheelchair which assisted my mother with her broken foot. Cashiers were understanding.

  • Faith Chung

    Faith Chung


    Staff is courteous and helpful. I can always find what I need at an affordable price.

  • Omar Kenyata

    Omar Kenyata


    Unhindered shopping. Fruits were poor quality. Needs much improvement to match Hi Lo in fruits and vegetables. Love the space

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